اس زمانے میں بچوں کو بتائیں کہ مستقبل میں کوئی کام جاری ہو اور اسکے ساتھ کوئی مدت آجائے تو اس طرح فقرہ بنے گا۔ ”میں 2030 سے فلاں کمپنی میں کام کر رہا ہوںگا”۔ اسکی مثالیں نیچے دی گئی ہیں۔



Will have + Been + Present Participle (verb ending in -ing)

    • Examples:

    1. I will have been learning English for three years by next summer. (I started learning English and will continue until next summer)

    1. She will have been practicing her violin for five years by her next concert. (She started practicing violin and will continue until her next concert)

    1. They will have been building their treehouse for two months by the time it’s finished. (They started building the treehouse and will continue until it’s done)

    1. He will have been saving his allowance for a year by his birthday. (He started saving his allowance and will continue until his birthday)

    1. We will have been studying for our exam for a week by the time it happens. (We started studying and will continue until the exam)


    • Will have is the future perfect tense of the verb “have”

    • Been is the past participle of the verb “be”

    • Present Participle is the verb ending in -ing (learning, practicing, building, etc.)

This tense shows an action that starts in the present and continues until a specific point in the future. It’s like a story that starts now and keeps going until something else happens!


Activity Title: “Future Perfect Continuous Story Chain”

Objective: To practice using the Future Perfect Continuous tense in context.

Materials: Blank paper and pencils, A starting sentence (e.g. “By next year, I will have been learning…”)

Instructions: Start with a sentence that uses the Future Perfect Continuous tense (e.g. “By next year, I will have been learning English for three years”).

Ask each child to add a sentence to the story, using the Future Perfect Continuous tense to describe what they will have been doing by a specific point in the future.

The next child adds another sentence, building on the story.

Continue the story chain, with each child adding a sentence using the Future Perfect Continuous tense.

Encourage creativity and fun storytelling!

Example Story Chain:

By next year, I will have been learning English for three years.
By next year, I will have been learning English for three years and will have been practicing my speech for six months.
By next year, I will have been learning English for three years, practicing my speech for six months, and will have been writing short stories for a year.
By next year, I will have been learning English for three years, practicing my speech for six months, writing short stories for a year, and will have been reading books for two years.

Use pictures or illustrations to accompany the story.
Create a class book or display the story chain in the classroom.
Have children work in small groups to create their own story chains.
This activity helps kids practice using the Future Perfect Continuous tense in a fun and creative way, while also encouraging teamwork and storytelling skills!

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