یہ وہ کام ہیں جو ماض میں مکمل ہو چکے تھے لیکن انہیں کسی خاص موقع کی مناسبت سے بتایا جا رہا ہے۔ مثال کے طور پر کپڑے استری کرنے سے پہلے لائٹ چلی گئی تھی۔ ویسے اگر سادہ طریقے سے لائٹ کا بتانا ہو تو اتنا کافی ہوگا ”لائٹ گئی”۔ لیکن لائٹ کا تعلق کپڑے استری کرنے سے جوڑا گیا ہے۔

Here’s a simple formula for the Past Perfect tense, explained in a way that’s easy for kids to understand:

Formula: Had + Past Participle (verb ending in -ed or irregular form)


  1. I had eaten my lunch before I played soccer. (I ate lunch first, then played soccer)
  2. She had brushed her teeth before she went to bed. (She brushed her teeth first, then went to bed)
  3. They had finished their homework before they watched TV. (They finished homework first, then watched TV)
  4. He had ridden his bike before he fell off. (He rode his bike first, then fell off)
  5. We had learned the song before we sang it in class. (We learned the song first, then sang it in class)


Here’s a fun activity to help kids practice the Past Perfect tense:

“What Had Happened?” Story Chain

Objective: To practice using the Past Perfect tense in context.


    • Blank paper and pencils

    • A starting sentence (e.g. “I had eaten breakfast when…”)


    1. Start with a sentence that uses the Past Perfect tense (e.g. “I had eaten breakfast when…”).

    1. Ask each child to add a sentence to the story, using the Past Perfect tense to describe what had happened before the previous sentence. For example: “I had eaten breakfast when I had brushed my teeth.”

    1. The next child adds another sentence, building on the story: “I had brushed my teeth when I had put on my shoes.”

    1. Continue the story chain, with each child adding a sentence using the Past Perfect tense.

    1. Encourage creativity and fun storytelling!

Example Story Chain:

    • I had eaten breakfast when…

    • I had eaten breakfast when I had brushed my teeth.

    • I had brushed my teeth when I had put on my shoes.

    • I had put on my shoes when I had grabbed my backpack.
    • I had grabbed my backpack when I had seen my friend waiting outside.

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