اس سبق میں بچے کو صرف دو باتیں بتائیں۔ ایک یہ کہ وہ اپنی روزمرزہ کی روٹین، یا وہ کام جو وہ ہر سال یعنی عید وغیرہ پر کرتا ہے وہ لکھے۔ دوسرا یہ کہ اگر اس سے کوئی ایسا سوال پوچھے جس سے جڑا کام دوہرایا جاتا ہو یعنی ہر روز، ہر ہفتے، ہر مہینے یا ہر سال۔ تو اسکا جواب وہ ورب کی پہلی فارم میں دے گا۔ نیچے سٹرکچر کو دیکھتے ہوئے بچے سے اسکی روٹین پوچھیں۔

Structure: Subject + Verb (First Form) + Object

Activity 1

• How do you spend your day?

تم اپنا دن کیسے گزارتے ہو؟

I get up early in the morning. I wash my face and hands. I take breakfast. Then, I go to Masjid for prayer. I recite the Quran. Then, I take shower and go to school. I attend my first class. I do my school work. I memorize the lessons. I talk to my friends. I tell them stories. I do coloring. I play games in break time. I come back home at 2:00 o’clock. I sleep for short time. Then, I go to academy. I complete my homework there. At evening time, I play hockey with my friends. At night, I take dinner, watch cartoons and go to sleep.

Activity 2

How do you celebrate your Eid?

تم اپنی عید کیسے مناتے ہو؟

Let the kid answer. Ask him to use only first form. Encourage him to tell about his friends as well. For instance, my friends come to my home and we go to play-land. While asking questions, tell the kid whenever he finds ‘do’ in a question, try to answer in first form. And, for the 3rd activity. Ask him a number of questions and expect one-word/sentence answer.

Activity 3

Ask these questions:

  • Do you play basketball?
  • __________________________________
  • Do you like movies?
  • __________________________________
  • Do you stay with your family?
  • _________________________________
  • When do you get up?
  • __________________________________
  • Why do you like these cartoons?
  • __________________________________
  • When do you come home?
  • _________________________________
  • Where do you live?
  • __________________________________
  • How often do you visit your grandmother’s home?
  • __________________________________
  • What do you like to eat in breakfast?
  • __________________________________
  • What are the places you like to visit?
  • __________________________________

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