اس سبق میں بچوں کو بتائیں کہ اپنے وہ کام جو مکمل کر لئے ہیں انہیں فعل کی تیسری فارم کےساتھ کس طرح بتانا ہے۔ ابتدائی میرحلے میں آپ انہیں اپنے پاس سے کچھ فارمز یاد کروا دیں۔ ان فقرات کو اس طرح استعمال کیا جاتا ہے ”میں نے اپنا کام ختم کر لیا ہے” یا “میں اپنا کام ختم کر چکا ہوں”۔

The formula for the Present Perfect tense is:

Has/Have + Past Participle

Here’s a breakdown:

  • Has is used with:

    • Singular nouns (e.g. cat, student)
    • Singular pronouns (e.g. he, she, it)

  • Have is used with:

    • Plural nouns (e.g. cats, students)
    • Plural pronouns (e.g. we, they)

  • Past Participle is the verb form ending in -ed (e.g. walked, eaten, written) or the irregular past participle form (e.g. gone, been, done)

Examples and Activity


    • I have eaten breakfast.
    • She has written a book.
    • They have traveled to many countries.
    • He has broken his leg.
    • We have studied English for three years.

Here are ten examples of fill-in-the-blank sentences using the Present Perfect tense, suitable for kids:

    • ________ (eat) breakfast already, so I’m not hungry.
    • My friends and I ________ (play) soccer for three hours.
    • She ________ (read) five books this month.
    • They ________ (live) in this house for ten years.
    • ________ (learn) how to ride a bike when I was six.
    • My mom ________ (make) cookies for our party.
    • We ________ (visit) the zoo three times this year.
    • He ________ (break) his arm, so he can’t play sports.
    • ________ (write) a story and it’s almost finished.
    • My family ________ (travel) to five countries so far.


    • have eaten
    • have played
    • has read
    • have lived
    • learned
    • has made
    • have visited
    • has broken
    • have written
    • have traveled

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