Welcome to our Grade 2 English Exam resource, designed to enrich your child’s learning experience. This comprehensive paper covers essential aspects such as translation exercises to enhance language skills, thought-provoking comprehension questions, creative rhyming word challenges, and engaging dialogue completion tasks. Perfect for educators and parents alike, our content aims to foster a deeper understanding of English language fundamentals while making learning enjoyable and effective. Dive into our curated Grade 2 English exam material and empower your child’s educational journey today.

Name: _____________________
Paper English: Grade 2
Total Marks: 75

Q: Translate the following paragraph into Urdu. Marks: /10

A long time ago, there lived a small boy with his mother. He loved his mother very much. Once, his mother became very ill and had to stay in bed. One night, she called out to her son to bring her some water. The young boy tried to pour out water from the pitcher, but it was empty.

Answer the following questions. Any five Marks: /10

a) What was written on the noticeboard?
b) What do you feel while playing games?
c) Who had colorful erasers and beautiful pencils?
d) How can we avoid accidents?
e) What are the colors of the traffic lights?
f) In how many steps can we plant a seed?

Q: Find the names of things and places, also find some adjectives. Marks: /10

Last night, I had a horrible dream. I was in a dark forest with my old classmate. We were running so fast. And, a tiger was chasing us. It was a big and dangerous tiger. We saw a tall tree. I asked my friend to climb up the tree but he did not agree. He said we will run, run and run. Then, suddenly a beautiful deer came there and asked us to ride on it. Thank God we were safe!

Q: Use these vowel sounds and make rhyming words. Marks: /10

a) Male ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________
b) Tele ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________
c) Lite ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________
d) Note ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________
e) Mute ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Q: Complete the dialogue. Marks: /10

  1. Ali: What kind of things do you buy? Ahmed: __________________________
  2. Ali: What places did you visit last year? Ahmed: __________________________
  3. Ali: What do you eat for dinner? Ahmed: __________________________
  4. Ali: What’s your favorite dress? Ahmed: __________________________
  5. Ali: What kind of movies do you like? Ahmed: __________________________

Q: Draw a conceptual networking chart and write a few lines on the picture. Marks: /15