The noun phrase is very important in structure. A noun phrase actually comes in 3 basic places. Subject place, object place, or as a complement discussed in the previous lecture. The easiest way to make a noun phrase is to take a noun and add a determiner to it. Then add an adjective followed by a prepositional phrase. A prepositional phrase indicates a place. That means ‘from Pakistan’. An easy way to create a prepositional phrase is to put a preposition before any noun phrase.
1 Man
2 A man
3 A handsome man
4 A handsome man [from China]
You can use a noun phrase as a subject.
[A handsome man from China] came here.
I saw [a handsome man].
We can also shift it to passive voice structure.
A handsome man was seen by me.
Some more examples:
[My communication at job place] [is] [not effective].
I can’t communicate effectively at my job place.
A girl] talks.
[A sad girl] talks.
I saw [a sad girl].
He hit me.
[that tall student of Maths in the hat] hit me.
[The greatest poet of Asia whose name was Iqbal] [died] in 1938.
[A great student from Karachi] is taking [these interesting English lessons with Mr. Ali].
Look, “a rich man” is a noun phrase. If a preposition is added to the same noun phrase, it will become a prepositional phrase. See
the examples below.
a) with [a rich man]
Prepositional Phrase can be used as an adverbial.
I am [with a rich man].
She went [in the car] [with my brother][to the restaurant][at evening][on Sunday]۔
[A great doctor] in [that poor family] will operate on [the serious patient] because he met [a horrible accident].
A smart man in the meeting
A lazy girl in a forest
A smart man in the meeting [is reading] an English newspaper.
A lazy girl in a forest [was playing] hockey.
A rich man bought [a bag/some books/a red watch/an expensive car].
Separate NP and PP from the following sentences.
A child is running slowly [adverb].
A child is running on the track with a tiger behind the monkey.
He goes to school.
A tall boy [aggressively danced at the wedding of his younger brother at a famous five star hotel near Model Town in Lahore therefore, his parents were excited to see the performance of their son.
I speak English with my brother at evening time during walk in the ground.
I told a horrible story about a little child] on a phone call on Sunday] after dinner because he was continuously asking me but I did not tell at that time.
I get a gift from my cousin before my birthday around 8:00 up the stairs.
I play outside in a park under the slide and I run towards football.