English Structures

These are common sentences used in our daily life. We can speak English with the help of continuous tenses because most of our actions are in continuous form. I would like to discuss postive, negative, questions and other examples of continuous tenses.

Present Continuous Tense

Positive Sentences

  1. I am typing.
  2. Kids are shouting.
  3. He is speaking.
  4. She is learning.
  5. They are playing.

Negative Sentences

  1. I am not typing.
  2. Kids are not shouting.
  3. He is not speaking.
  4. She is not learning.
  5. They are not playing.

Question Sentences

  1. Am I typing?
  2. Are kids shouting?
  3. Is he speaking?
  4. Is she learning?
  5. Are they playing?

Negative and Question Sentences

  1. Am I not typing?
  2. Are kids not shouting?
  3. Is he not speaking?
  4. Is she not learning?
  5. Are they not playing?

Past Continuous Tense

Positive Sentences

  1. I was typing during the class.
  2. The kids were shouting when the guests arrived.
  3. He was speaking to the manager.
  4. She was learning to cook.
  5. They were playing soccer.

Negative Sentences

  1. I was not typing during the class.
  2. The kids were not shouting when the guests arrived.
  3. He was not speaking to the manager.
  4. She was not learning to cook.
  5. They were not playing soccer.

Question Sentences

  1. Was I typing during the class?
  2. Were the kids shouting when the guests arrived?
  3. Was he speaking to the manager?
  4. Was she learning to cook?
  5. Were they playing soccer?

Negative and Question Sentences

  1. Was I not typing during the class?
  2. Were the kids not shouting when the guests arrived?
  3. Was he not speaking to the manager?
  4. Was she not learning to cook?
  5. Were they not playing soccer?

Future Continuous Tense

Positive Sentences

  1. I will be typing tomorrow.
  2. The kids will be shouting in the park.
  3. He will be speaking at the conference.
  4. She will be learning to drive.
  5. They will be playing football.

Negative Sentences

  1. I will not be typing tomorrow.
  2. The kids will not be shouting in the park.
  3. He will not be speaking at the conference.
  4. She will not be learning to drive.
  5. They will not be playing football.

Question Sentences

  1. Will I be typing tomorrow?
  2. Will the kids be shouting in the park?
  3. Will he be speaking at the conference?
  4. Will she be learning to drive?
  5. Will they be playing football?

Negative and Question Sentences

  1. Will I not be typing tomorrow?
  2. Will the kids not be shouting in the park?
  3. Will he not be speaking at the conference?
  4. Will she not be learning to drive?
  5. Will they not be playing football?

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