1. Title: Critical Discourse Analysis of Pakistani Billboards: A Study of Language Variations in Perspectives of World Englishes

Journal Name: Harf-o-Sukhan

Article Link: https://www.harf-o-sukhan.com/index.php/Harf-o-sukhan/article/view/1116

2. Investigating Clickbait Strategies: A CDA of Pakistani YouTube News Channels

Journal Name: Pakistan Social Sciences Review

Article Link: https://ojs.pssr.org.pk/journal/article/view/540

3. Ideological Representation Through Political Communication: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Molana Fazal ur Rehman Speech

Journal Name: Al-Mahdi Research Journal (MRJ)

Article Link: https://ojs.mrj.com.pk/index.php/MRJ/article/view/417