5 Ways to Improve English Speaking Skills

Have you ever seen a mother who failed to teach a native language to her child? You might not have seen this case in any society. Now, look at the patterns of teaching that a mother uses to teach a language. A mother provides a natural environment to her kids to learn the desired language and she achieves her goal in two to three years. The same mother when starts her career at school as an English teacher, she fails to teach the language even in ten years. The reason is that she does not provide a natural environment to the learners. She prefers to give them long passages for memorizing and tough grammar rules to learn. The application of language is zero in a classroom.

This is the reason, most of the learners fail to learn a language. In this article, I would highlight some ways to create a natural environment in classroom that could certainly help the learners learn targeted language. The similar strategies may be applied by parents at homes during home schooling. These are the ways to improve English speaking skills and those who follow them with caution may be able to improve their communication and conversation skills. I have also explained how to improve vocabulary.

1. Utter Anything

The teachers or parents should not stop or bother the learners while speaking. Let them speak incorrect English. They will polish themselves with the passage of time. We see a newly born baby, he or she speaks incorrect language, incomplete sentences or even sometimes they utter half words.

2. How to Start from Zero

If the kids are at zero stage, teach them only one rule a day and engage them in activity-based learning. Ask them to make multiple examples on the same rule and speak those examples in front of classmates. You may call each student one by one and it would be a fun activity. Sometimes, the learners have the idea in their mind but they are unable to create structures. Some of them closely create those structures. For example, an illiterate person wants to say : “i wish meet you Lahore”. He probably wants to say that he wishes to meet someone in Lahore. Try to help the learners to rephrase the structures. If you are looking for some structures, use these two courses: 40 Day Kids Course and 50 Day Advanced Course on this website. 

3. Use this Top Activity

Engage them in questions and answer sessions that will motivate them to speak on a certain topic. Ask them to answer in short sentences by asking ‘What/Who/Where/When’ questions. These are called closed ended questions. Once kids are able to create short sentences, then ask them open ended questions, i.e., ‘Why and How’. If you are looking for questions to start speaking English, click here.

4. What if Mind is Blank?

If happens, sometimes we are blank to tell anything even in our own language. After a heavy debate, we regret to say that ‘I wish I could have said that to her at the time of speaking’. That’s a natural process of human mind. If the learners are unable to generate the ideas, that means their brain is not producing language. They get blank while speaking though they have some structures in mind. You may use some pictures, such as a picture of forest where different animals are doing their activities. You may ask about the animals and what they are doing. The learners will explain the picture.

5. Learning Relevant Vocabulary

People whole life keep on learning irrelevant vocabulary that does not really help them in writing and speaking. They get stuck in vocabulary, they should learn only those words that are linked with their profession or job. For example, for a mother, kitchen related words would be more important than those words that are used in journalism or engineering. A mother might need to learn some medical words particularly for her kids. Every learner should know which vocabulary is important for him or her.  

If you are learning on the basis of self-efforts, keep on visiting this website, I will upload some common vocabulary in the coming articles.