Future Simple Tense – Dialogue Practice

English teachers can use this dialogue in classroom to engage the kids in practice. This activity is really helpful to boost the speaking skills of students. Secondly, this dialogue focuses only on a specific sentence structure, i.e., Use of Will. It means, if the teacher teaches ‘use of will’, he may engage the learners in dialogue activity using the patterns below:

Anna: Hi, Tom! What are your plans for tomorrow?

Tom: Hi, Anna! I will go to the zoo with my family. I am so excited! What about you?

Anna: That sounds fun! I will visit my cousin. We will play games and watch a movie.

Tom: Cool! What movie will you watch?

Anna: We will watch the new animated movie that just came out. I can’t wait!

Tom: I will also take lots of pictures at the zoo. Do you like animals?

Anna: Yes, I love animals! I will ask my parents if we can go to the zoo next weekend.

Tom: Great idea! I will tell you all about my zoo trip on Monday.

Anna: I look forward to hearing all about it! Have a great time, Tom!

Tom: Thanks, Anna! You too!