Noun, Pronoun and Adjective

English structure or the structure of any language means the structure is made up of some parts just like the building of a house. Until today we have been reminding the child of the definition of noun and pronoun and just two examples to complete the ritual. But instead of giving him praise in this way, ask him to write the names of inanimate objects, wild or domestic animals around him. Then follow the method given below.

Names of Non- Living Things and Animals -cat, -dog, chair, table, apple, car, book etc.

As soon as the child writes this name, ask him to describe its quality or weakness. And provide the child with a list of strengths and weaknesses. The child will make sentences like this.


Cat is beautiful.

Apple is tasty.
Table is big.
Car is fast.
Book is difficult.

Now, ask the kid to replace these nouns/names with ‘it’. At early stage, do not tell the rule of a/an/the. We will learn these rules in coming lectures. Here, I am going to use a/an/the randomly.

It is a cat.
It is beautiful.
It is beautiful cat.
It is an apple.
It is tasty.
It is a tasty apple.
It is a table.
It is It is big.
It is a big table.
It is a car.
It is fast.
It is a fast car.
It is a book.
It is difficult.
It is a difficult book.


Ask the child to look around the room and write the name and make examples, thus practicing his 3 parts of speech. Practice this lecture for a week. That is, bring it to humans in the next step. For example, write the names of your cousins and relatives, friends, etc., then make him write the rest of the pronouns, i.e., he, you, us, etc. For example, the child will write.

Names of human-beings -Ahmed, -Shazia, -Alina, -Maria and Saima etc.

I am _______________.
We are ____________. (use plural noun here)
You are a ___________.
They are ____________. (use plural noun here)
He is a ______________.
She is a _____________. 

To complete the pattern given above, children are asked to write 30 lines about themselves, what they are, and some of their qualities. The child will write ‘I am a boy, I am a student, I am happy, I am strong,’ etc. In the same way, ask him to make examples about other people by taking some areas and strengths and weaknesses. The remaining parts of speech will be shared in lecture number 15.