Give the child only four or five linking words in the initial stage or in my course and tell him that the words used to connect two names or two actions, two phrases are called linking words. That is, connecting words. Ask him to match two of his friends, two toys or two foods. For example

• Ahmed and Ali
• Remote-car and Helicopter
• Book and Copy
• Pencil and Colors

Now ask him to show them separately. Use the structure below to separate. That means there will be a choice of one of the two.• Ahmed or Ali

• Remote-car or Helicopter
• Book or Copy
• Pencil or Pen

Now explain the philosophy of “but” to the child that “but” or “because” can be used to connect two sentences. As I want to go to school because I have a paper today. Or I want to go to school but I don’t have a bicycle.• I want to go home but I don’t know the way.

• Tell me something about him because it’s important.
• Ali is a good friend but he uses harsh language.
• I am good at English but can’t speak well.
• I am happy but not very much. etc.

Activity for Kids

Here are ten sentences with blanks for the “Fill in the Blank” activity: 

  • I like to play with ______and _______ in the park. 
  • My favorite foods are _______ and_______.
  • I have a _______ and a _______ as pets.
  • My room is filled with_______ and _______.
  • I love to read _______ and _______ books.
  • My favorite sports are _______ and _______.
  • I enjoy playing with _______ but not with _______ .
  • My mom cooks _______ and _______ for dinner.
  • I have _______ and _______ in my lunchbox.
  • My favorite subjects in school are _______ and _______.