Kids English

Dialogue Practice – Present Continuous Tense

This dialogue can be used to engage English learners in conversation. Such dialogues are best for speaking English and they really help the learners improve their communication skills in English language. In this structure type, ask the learners to use ‘is/am/are’ while answering the questions. This activity based learning is so effective. In the previous class, we discussed the dialogue of past simple tense.

Anna: Hi, Tom! What are you doing right now?

Tom: Hi, Anna! I am doing my homework. It’s math homework. What about you?

Anna: I am reading a book. It’s very interesting. Do you like reading?

Tom: Yes, I do! I am reading a new book, too. It’s about dinosaurs.

Anna: That sounds cool! I am also listening to music. I love this song!

Tom: I am going to the park later. Are you coming?

Anna: Yes, I am meeting my friends there. We are playing a game.

Tom: Awesome! I am bringing my football. Let’s play together!

Anna: Sure! I am looking forward to it. See you at the park!

Tom: See you, Anna!

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